Personalized tools for a more efficient management of your school.

Odoo • Image and Text

About us

Eduweb is a company founded in 2008 dedicated to the development, implementation, and support of specialized management computer solutions in educational centers.

We offer different solutions, such as FACTS SIS (RenWeb), a pioneering web solution in school management, which has allowed us to know the needs of hundreds of schools on the five continents.

This experience and specialization, added to the potential of Odoo, is allowing us to offer customized solutions for all management areas.

The most important thing we have learned in these more than ten years is that each school is unique and different.

Our development team is prepared to develop in the open source ERP Odoo, develop dozens of applications that improve the management of your school in all its areas. From Human Resources to Online Admission, through applications of Events, Recruitment, Accounting, Maintenance, Personnel Vacations, School Store Management... all areas where you need tools, intuitive, simple to learn and, Of course, it fits perfectly with the specific needs of your College and its SIS. Tell us what you need and we will do it. Challenge us.


Odoo is available in more than 100 languages and
adapts to the accounting regulations of each country.


Of the hundreds of modules you have, there will always be one that suits your needs. But since each school is special, if you want something more specific, there is no problem.
We develop the modules to adapt them to what your school needs.


Searches, filters, and groupings by any field, label, or category. You can create your filters. So you can segment the information you want,
from the general to the most specific.


Work in the ERP as in reality, by processes and stages, not only in admissions, but in billing, emailing campaigns, etc ... any task you can visualize in Kanban, the basis of the work process of all applications, by which in this way greatly reduces the learning curve, and establishes a workflow
system common to all departments of the College.


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With this very intuitive use module, all your accounting will be perfectly organized and synchronized.

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Control of school billing, payment methods, taxes...all in order. You even have the possibility to sign documents, by electronic signature, for one or several people in order to validate any document.

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Management of your purchases, quotes, tenders to several suppliers to select the best offer or through a fixed fixed price.


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With this module you can manage the needs of new staff for your school. Calling places available from your website, you can receive, classify, and manage all applications received for different jobs. As well as keeping track of the interviews, until the signing of the contract.

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With this application, you can manage all the maintenance tasks of the school. Either with external suppliers and / or with internal staff. Know the current and future repairs, expenses of necessary materials, execution time and calendar of the same. All maintenance under control.

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With this module you will be able to have a simple and intuitive Kanban of every vacation day, casualties, free days, of all staff. Filtering by departments, people, or reasons for absences, allows you to have control of the situation at all times. As well as a more tight and effective planning of vacation days.


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A very interesting application that allows you to not only manage all the events of the school, but if you wish you can monetize those that interest you. From the End of the Year Party, to a sporting event, talks or conferences, concerts ... all events can be announced from the same page. You can sell free or paid tickets, as well as control the capacity of the event by limiting the maximum and minimum attendance. Easy for school, easy for parents and students.

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This module allows you, for example, to develop an online store where you can sell your merchandise of the School; t-shirts, backpacks, cups, etc. As well as school supplies, books, etc ... if you wish. You can negotiate the distribution with delivery companies, or delivery at school, so that you can exploit outliers.

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Marketing automation will allow you to manage emailing campaigns based on triggers or triggers, based on rules to be followed according to the campaign. If I send a campaign via emailing, I will be able to see its opening rate, bounce rate, etc., and I will be able to automate emails other than those that have opened it and those that have not ... or send a souvenir one a week later. Marketing automation is a tool that is being imposed on the new digital marketing to create more effective Funnels.


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A module that allows you to manage your posts in Social Networks from the same place. As you create the post you can see a preview of how it will be in each social network. If you already do social marketing you are really interested in knowing this tool. A centralized management of your post is something very practical and efficient.

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From this module you can design and create by "drag and drop" hundreds of different templates to cover all your communication needs. The rest of the modules that work with emails will be able to work with these templates that you have created, making the communication system much more versatile and effective.

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With this module you can create multiple web pages and / or landings pages. Using the "drag and drop" method, in addition to being able to choose if you want from various templates or design yours from scratch, it really is a very simple tool that does not require programming knowledge.